Becoming An Appraiser

Education, training, and experience are essential in becoming a skilled real estate appraiser. In the past many appraisers entered the field by way of other real estate services such as sales, management, or finance. Today appraisers often enter the field directly.

A liberal arts education is a good basis for anyone considering a career in real estate appraisal. Backgrounds in economics, finance, business administration, architecture, law, engineering, computer technology, sociology, and English composition may be particularly helpful.

Appraisal firms may employ appraisal assistants and trainees or offer part-time work to college students. Financial institutions and county assessors’ offices may also offer opportunities for on-the-job training.


How to Begin

As you begin your research into becoming an appraiser, it is best to start by understanding your state licensing requirements. Each state has its own specific requirements to become an appraiser and their web page (linked at the bottom of this page) describes the real estate appraiser classifications and what you must do to attain them. You will work with them to apply as a trainee and as you move through the process. They are the licensing body that is ultimately responsible for approving individuals to work in the state as appraisers.


How the Appraisal Institute Can Help

The Appraisal Institute is an education provider that offers the classes you need to attain your license and expand your knowledge in the profession. They also provide many opportunities and services such as further education and Designations, local chapter affiliation, annual conferences, lobbying, professional services, and much more.

For over 80 years, real property appraisers and their clients have taken Appraisal Institute courses and seminars because the Appraisal Institute offers quality education. Thoroughly researched and developed by practicing appraisers who are subject matter experts, Appraisal Institute course or seminar materials are peer-reviewed, professionally designed and edited, taught by seasoned practicing appraisers, and offered throughout the United States through multiple delivery platforms from classroom to online to webinars. The Appraisal Institute meets the needs of those who are just entering the valuation field, completing their professional designation coursework, need continuing education, or are lifelong learners wanting to reinforce or hone new skills.


Use These Links to Get Started